Wednesday 25 March 2020

Kevin Green’s FREE Property & Business Training – ONLINE – 6pm, 28th March 2020

I would normally post an invitation to a live KGW hashtagtraining day, however with the hashtagCOVID19 Crisis currently consuming the UK, I have taken the decision to cancel all upcoming KGW live training days up to the end of May in line with UK government guidelines, but more to protect our clients health. With this in mind, I am hosting a FREE hashtagonlinetraining session Saturday, 28th March 2020 at 6pm, to show people a way to create a more stable financial future for them and their families. This training is relevant for everyone in the UK who is looking to create or supplement their incomes and isn’t just for persons who have possibly found their jobs under threat or worse those who have already lost theirs, due to this crisis. In this training I will show everyone that there are other options out there, and this is my way of looking to open doors and your eyes to a better future. The webinar will focus on showing you how you can purchase property under market value to enable you to create an instant profit which can be utilised to fund further property purchases; and the best thing about this strategy is that you can do this using NONE of your own money! This online training is FREE for you to access, and you can register for it by clicking here

I look forward to seeing you ... click this link to register your place